How to Avoid Scams This Holiday Season
Submitted by Paul B. Miller, CFP on December 12th, 20183 Keys to Retiring Happy
Submitted by Paul B. Miller, CFP on November 15th, 20185 Financial Factors to Consider when choosing a Retirement destination
Submitted by Paul B. Miller, CFP on October 12th, 2018
Every American eagerly awaits the day when they can work a little less and relax a little more. Retirement has been a dream for many Americans born in the post-World War II era. Pensions from government and private jobs, combined with Social Security, made it easy for generations of Americans to eventually retire comfortably.
3 Unexpected Retirement Costs That Can Shake Up Your Finances
Submitted by Paul B. Miller, CFP on September 13th, 2018
For most Americans, retirement is a time in life that is spent living on a fixed budget. You have saved for decades, setting aside a nest egg so that you can enjoy retirement without having to work. While many Americans will choose to work during retirement, it is often to help fight boredom more than it is done to pay the bills.
Financial Planning Dangers of Doing It Alone
Submitted by Paul B. Miller, CFP on August 13th, 2018
The art of financial planning might not seem too difficult to master. After all, if you want to retire with enough money to enjoy better golden years, seems like all you need to do is save a certain amount of money. However, there are many dangers in completing your own financial planning, not the least of which is the belief that financial planning is only about saving money.
5 Retirement Tips for Millennials
Submitted by Paul B. Miller, CFP on July 11th, 2018
The Millennial generation takes a lot of flak for its attitude and beliefs, both from other generations and among media outlets. Millennials have been labeled as entitled and lacking in drive. These characterizations are up for debate, with individual members of this generation disproving those views on a daily basis through their actions.
Setting up your College student for Financial Success
Submitted by Paul B. Miller, CFP on June 11th, 2018
As parents, there is no greater satisfaction than helping your children achieve a solid education. Attending college sets them on a path toward a future in which they can provide for themselves and make wise financial choices along the way. However, no college student is going to learn these things on their own. Parenting does not end at morals and manners.
Leaving a Legacy
Submitted by Paul B. Miller, CFP on May 9th, 2018
When you consider a future that you will not be a part of, the word "legacy" likely comes to mind. The legacy you leave behind is how many people will remember you, not just in the next generation but for generations to come. Your legacy can impact your family members, friends, co-workers, and even employees if you are a business owner.