Investment Planning Risk Management
Financial Planning Boca Raton
At Indian River Financial Group, we believe that it is your financial goals, your life aspirations and your risk profile rather than a passing view of the markets that should drive your investment strategy. That’s why we work with you to develop a comprehensive financial plan with clearly defined goals, realistic timelines and actionable strategies before we put any math to your investment needs.
Investment Planning – Managing Risk for Positive Performance
History has clearly shown that, over time, it is the markets, not investment advisors, which bring the returns; an investment advisor’s greatest value to you is to help you minimize and control the risks in your financial life so you enjoy more of your life. At Indian River Financial Group, that is exactly what we do.
The stock market has been very good about providing consistent returns over the last 100 years. Yet, many investors consistently underperform the markets, which, in large part, can be attributed to their misunderstanding, and, ultimately, their mismanagement of risk in all of its forms. Least understood is that without risk, there can be no returns. Although investors cannot control market returns, they can control the risks. In fact, empirically-proven research has shown that it is more through the effective management of risk rather than the management of investments that positive portfolio performance is achieved.
At Indian River Financial Group, we counsel our clients on how to deliberately utilize risk to construct portfolios that can achieve above average returns. We begin by identifying your “risk fingerprint” utilizing a proven risk assessment tool built on the academic framework that won the Nobel Prize for Economics, called Riskalyze. We then use Riskalyze to assess your current portfolio to determine how well it is aligned with your risk fingerprint. Finally, Riskalyze provides an alternative alignment that optimizes your portfolio for your risk fingerprint.
No theories, no hypothetical forecasting models, no timing methods – just the science of academically-validated economic principals. That’s how our clients invest with confidence, clarity and comfort.
Do You Really Know Your Risk Number?