Retirement Mistakes to Avoid
Submitted by Paul B. Miller, CFP on May 19th, 2017Retirement is the goal for every working individual in America, but a comfortable retirement should also be a part of that goal. Unfortunately, each year there are millions of Americans that make mistakes entering retirement. Some of these are small and easily avoidable, while others require caution and attention to detail to avoid.
Worth vs. Income
Submitted by Paul B. Miller, CFP on May 19th, 2017Some people assess their financial worth based upon the income they receive. Your worth is more about how you spend your money than how much you make. Yes, you could be making a lot of money right now, but if you are spending a lot of money, then you might not have a high net worth.
5 Tips for Building a Better Relationship with Money
Submitted by Paul B. Miller, CFP on October 8th, 2015
Whether you love or hate money, it is something that everyone needs to survive in life. After all, homes, cars, clothes, and food aren't free. Like your friends and family, you need to cultivate a positive relationship with money in order to avoid creating unnecessary stress in your life. For some people this is difficult.