Our Investment Philosophy
As they have more than 100 years, the markets will bring the returns; our greatest value to you is to help you minimize and control the risks in your financial life so you enjoy more of your life.
Investment philosophy is a coherent way of looking at the markets, how they work and the types of behaviors that will minimize risk and set an investor up for maximum returns.
Our investment philosophy is deeply rooted in decades of Nobel-winning, academic research and time-tested principles, which we apply with each of our clients. In constructing customized portfolios for our clients we adhere to the following basic tenets:
- It is the market that drives returns, but it is portfolio construction that drives long-term performance.
- Risk and returns are interrelated.
- The market is efficient long term, which means that individual portfolio returns are dependent on portfolio construction and asset allocation rather than individual security selection.
- Through optimal diversification, portfolios can be constructed to maximize returns for any risk profile.
- Discipline and patience are the behavioral cornerstones of a long-term investment strategy.
The market environment is always in flux and investment fads come and go. With consistent changes, how can you make sure you are positioned well for the long-term? Guided by the principles of our investment philosophy, we work with you to develop an investment strategy that aligns with your goals, timeline and tolerance to risk and stick to it. An investment strategy will differ from person to person. Investment philosophy is time tested and consistent.